Friday, May 15, 2009

They are playing a game. They are playing at not
playing a game.
If I show them I see they are, I
shall break the rules and they will punish me.
I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.

R.D Laing Knots

Thursday, February 26, 2009

children of the moon & Gandhi-the abused mahatama

the sun goes down, the moon comes up and children are born, children of a lesser creed. lesser because they are born free, but freedom is never free. You fight for it, snatch it, loot it at the tip of the sword . these children of the moon don't know the real meaning of freedom unlike the forefather who has seen blood.

there is this pretence in the moon, look how calm and peaceful - lets you stare at it, yet it shadows the earth and brings darkness,it is deceivingly expressive -shows you something reassuring even if the reality is in a different quadrant. the sun on the other hand burns, gives light, takes all the heat,gives all the heat- & the future flourishes. provokes mixed feelings- it is loved it in winters and abused in the summers. the children of the moon questions, argues loves and abuses.

gandhi as a deceptively clever man masked his warrior nature under a weil of his saintly appearance.unarmed he was not , forhe used guilt as his main weapon against the british, who considered themselves highly civilized. by engaging in ahimsa he fought them passively yet aggressively. osho calls him a baniya-an equivalent of a jew, when supposedly the mahatama tried to rob him off 3 rs, and then he goes on to call him a sadist, who preached and promoted poverty. every masterplayer looks for an advantage on the chess board, so did gandhi. anyways- his mission was to rid india of the british overlords who were sucking us dry and humiliating us and our culture. the need was to crush them at their own game. and his strategy was pure moralistic resistance. simple as that. he was no saint or mahatma. but he wasnt corrupt either. he used the mask to fool the masses to a certain extent, to obtain the greater good( like a good prince (but an old prince in his case) ). his salt marches, and the 'fast till death' charades were heights of strategic wisdom. A seducer of masses.
It pinches when todays society of "free thinkers" points fingers at the sage.

Pinch them back.

its hard to concentrate when half your world is spinning with electro house beats. cant write more. need some sleep.

Friday, January 30, 2009

यह धूयाँ

They say, a perfectly satisfied person cannot be seduced.-what if you are the same person and find yourself being unconsciously seduced by another. would you allow the seduction? yes, because you cannot resist the temptation, atleast i cannot..anyhow, this is where reality screams at your face-the reality of discontention . u see yourself getting seduced despite being full, but were you ever full?? never. and now u are offered something that u lacked and have always wanted, just didn't know it. udai,"if i do not get her, i am much trapped and unhappy & disharmony will spread in me like fire."
Greedy i am, so i want to possess the non possessed, otherwise i will perish along with others, which is pure wastage of my potential.

now, for the illusion-noble techniques in wich we closely associate ourselves with elements of mystery, beauty, mystical essence. this enhances our presence and adds a shift in perspective and bathes one in a different light. good or bad light i can not say, neither do i care. the point im tryin to make is that elements can help us deceive and seduce.

smoke- its fascinating the way it defies gravity and dances in air. people kill themselves just to enjoy its element. it causes them both bliss and pain, just like the seduction of a cleopatra, poisonous and dangerous,yet full of pleasure....

यह धूयाँ, यह धूयाँ । o these rings of smoke.

5am. time to sleep. praise of smoke.

the prince

"To reconstitute political life in a state presupposes a good man, whereas to have recourse to violence in order to make oneself prince in a republic supposes a bad man. Hence very rarely will there be found a good man ready to use bad methods in order to make himself prince, though with a good end in view.
Nor will any reasonable man blame him for taking any action, however extraordinary, which may be of service in the organizing of a kingdom or the constituting of a republic. It is a sound maxim that reprehensible actions may be justified by their effects, and that when the effect is good, it always justifies the action. For it is the man who uses violence to spoil things, not the man who uses it to mend them, that is blameworthy.

A Prince should therefore disregard the reproach of being thought cruel where it enables him to keep his subjects united and loyal. For he who quells disorder by a very few signal examples will in the end be more merciful than he who from too great leniency permits things to take their course and so result in chaos and bloodshed.

It is essential therefore, for a prince who desires to maintain hisposition, to have learned how to be other than good, and to use or not use his goodness as necessity requires"

"Everyone sees what you seem to be, but few know what you are"

Niccolo Machiavelli
reach out.... follow me come.

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